Set Your Website On Maintenance Mode

How To Set Your Website On Maintenance Mode Using A Plugin?

Have you ever though to do some changes in your website? Have you ever thought about the appearance of your website when you do some changes with the design?

Do you provide a broken website or any particular page which shows about maintenance work about your website? Its always recommended that while editing your work you should set your site on maintenance mode because your visitors are not going to like your broken website.

You may have visited any popular website at the time the website was at its maintenance mode. Have you landed to any maintenance mode page which provides you the information about their contact? For providing a better interface you should add WordPress maintenance mode for your website.

How to put your site in maintenance mode?

Now you know that it’s important to set your site on maintenance mode during the time when you try to solve any server issues, editing your website design or any other maintenance activity. But the point is do you know how to put your site in maintenance mode? The answer is here. You can use

But the point is do you know how to put your site in maintenance mode? The answer is here. You can use WP Maintenance Plugin for better service. You can see many options after the installation of this useful plugin.

First thing after installing this plugin is to open its settings which can be done by going to settings->WP Maintenance Mode and a new screen will come to you showing the settings of this plugin.

There are mainly three types of configuration of their individual purpose related to the maintenance of your website. I am going to let you know about all of them with their settings.

After visiting WP Maintenance Mode settings page you can show “General” settings in which there are many options to hook up with. First option shows the status of this plugin whether its activated or deactivated. If you want to set your site on maintenance mode then you can select status as “activated” otherwise other ones.

If you want to show your website to search bots during maintenance period then set “Bypass For Search Bots” as “Yes” otherwise you can set this option “No”. If you are not sure about this option then remain it as default. You don’t need to worry about it.

This plugin gives you full freedom to access your website during its activation period but for that, you need to set the role of the user. Set it according to your users. Mainly it is filled with “Administrator(administrator)”.

There are many other options including the addition of a URL to send user after log in. You can redirect to any URL you want. You can add a link to the dashboard on your maintenance mode page. You just need to select “Yes” or “No”.

After filling all the settings you need to click at “save settings”.

You can add WordPress site maintenance mode page of your wish:

With the use of the second type of settings you can add a beautiful maintenance page when you set your site on maintenance mode. You can use text color, background color, and more settings to make your maintenance page wonderful.

First setting is to head the title of the page. You can keep it as default or you can add any other title for the page. Next setting is similar to earlier one. You need to write the heading of the page you want to show for your maintenance page. You are free to use any color for the heading. There are many colors from which you can choose any one.

Now comes the turn to write the main content i.e “Text”. It’s necessary to welcome your visitors with some kind words including the apology. You should define the reason why your visitors see this page? Let them know you are going to allow them to get valuable information from your website soon.

It’s good to know that you can add a background for the page which is the most important aspect about the appearance. You can add any custom color from the color shown under or you can upload any image which you feel to give your maintenance page a good look. You should be happy that there are many “Predefined background” to choose for the page.

After doing all the settings according to your wish you need to “save settings”.

Add contact information, countdown time, subscription option when you set your site on maintenance mode:

I am delighted to tell you that WP Maintenance Plugin provides facility to add some other things to show to your visitors to provide a better interface.

Third tag is of “Modules” in which you can see many settings related to subscription, countdown and more.

If you want to let your readers know about the time or the day on which your website will work fine then you can set countdown on the maintenance page. You are provided with to fill starting date and the remaining time for the countdown.

Next option is to provide “subscribe” option by using which people can subscribe to your blog if you have set up your e-mail service. Collect all e-mails and add them into your e-mail list later.

On the maintenance page you can add all the icons by which people can connect with you at all social platforms. You just need to fill the relevant URLs.

If you provide your e-mail address for your readers then fill it in the option given due to which people can contact you and can ask the answers for their query.

Last option if of “Google Analytics”. If you want to allow it to show the results for your website then select “Yes” otherwise “No”. If you are going to allow it then its important to fill the “Tracking Code” which is provided to you by Google Analytics.

Save settings after filling all the options.

Now do you know how to put your site in maintenance mode?

After doing all the settings you can see your website with a different page resulted according to the setting. Have you ever done it before? Are you going to do it when you set your site on maintenance mode?

By using this plugin it’s simple and effective to maintain the page. I hope you all well aware about creating your maintenance page now. If you have any problem then I am here.:)

by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Hi Ravi,

    Nice post and very useful too.

    You have shared great plugin here. This is needy for every blog/website owners. Because, we all have to update or change our website as needed. So, this plugin is very helpful for that time to announce about site is offline or any other update too.

    The “subscription” and “countdown” option is also good. With the subscription option, we can even increase our email list while the site in offline mode. Great!

    Thanks for sharing this amazing plugin. I love to use this.

    Have a great weekend!

    1. Hey Nisha,

      There are many options provide in this plugin.

      For sure you can increase your number of subscribers by showing subscription option. You can show your contact details so that your readers can do any query related to your website.

      Using this plugin is a must have condition when you have your website on maintenance.

      Glad to have you here.:)

      Have a successful week.


  2. Hi Ravi,

    Yet another informative post ?

    Good you came up with this helpful one because most bloggers need to put their sites on maintenance mode when they have to make changes or work on things on their blogs.

    We also do the same and use this plugin and that helps a great deal. At least your readers know what is going on if you inform them this way. When we had taken the long 3 week break, we had put the site on maintenance mode for nearly 4-5 days, that’s the time we were trying out the forum and making adjustments.

    Thanks for sharing this with us. Happy weekend ?

    1. Hi Harleena,

      I have noticed many websites during last month which were not using any plugin while doing the maintenance of their website. At that time I was getting a broken website which was not good.

      It adds negative review to their value.

      Bloggers should keep in their mind to use any maintenance plugin.

      Its always good to share from you.:)

      Have a peaceful week ahead.


      1. Hey Ravi,

        Superb post buddy, i never know about it that we can set our blog on maintenance mode, this way i can save my traffic who came from search engine or referral for 1st time on my blog.

        Will surely try this and will let you know about outcomes.

        Thanks for sharing



        1. Hi Suprabhat,

          There are many things we all come to know first time.

          Of course you can save your visitors by letting them know that your website is on maintenance so that they can contact you later.

          Using this plugin you can add your e-mail id and enable and disable Google Analytics.

          Good to hear from you.

          Enjoy your weekend.:)


  3. I’ve never really considered putting my site in Maintenance Mode for extensive periods of time, but I can see how this can be beneficial.

    After all, you’re giving the opportunity to leave custom messages stating why your website is in maintenance mode, when it will be over etc. I can see how this would be more helpful to the visitor than the random error messages I usually get when messing around with one of my sites.

    I’m not one to install a bunch of plugins, but I can see how this would be beneficial. I may just download it the next time I have to extensive maintenance on one of my websites (which thankfully isn’t very often!).

    Thanks for the informative post!

    1. Hey James,

      All the bloggers prefer to use less number of plugins at their blog.

      But these type of maintenance plugins are used only for short time. And you know instead of showing a broken website you can have this plugin to provide a better page to your visitors.

      Bloggers try to give the best service to their readers and its your duty to maintain the reputation of your website.

      Thanks for stopping by.

      Have an awesome weekend.:)


  4. Hi Ravi

    I agree that its important we learn how to switch our website to maintenance mode. Just recently I had to switch from my former hosting company to a new one due to issues that caused my site frequent down times. I moved my files to the new host but were it not for the maintenance plugin, I would have lost visitors who would think that my site is broken . Thanks for sharing and this will help everyone.

    1. Hi Ikechi,

      As I have mentioned at Harleena’s blog that you may have lost few readers. When you do any maintenance then you should use this plugin to provide better appearance for your website.

      Your visitors should know about it so that they can come back later. By using countdown you can let them come at a particular day.

      Good to see you here.:)

      Have a great day.


  5. Hey Ravi,

    Had to come down immediately to read this after I saw it on your comluv link on my blog.

    I really got caught up with the title because I have had cases where I do some changes on my blog and was wondering how people will feel when they see a broken site.

    I think this is what every blogger and site owner needs because there will always be a time when you will need to do a site maintenance and putting a blog/site in a maintenance mode makes it easier for visitors and readers to understand, and they will surely keep up to know when it is resolved.

    Thanks Ravi, for sharing this wonderful article.



    1. Hey Jackson,

      Good to see you at my blog.:)

      For sure its the first step you need to take before taking your website into maintenance. The main thought comes in people’s mind when they see any broken website is that it doesn’t have good web hosting and after that they will avoid to visit your blog.

      I don’t think that you are letting it happen ever. With the use of WP Maintenance plugin you can do it in an effective way. You should show what you are doing with your website?

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Enjoy your stay.:)


  6. OMG Ravi , This is Goodddddddddddddddd and Really Heard Work i like it My Dear Friend , Ammezing Word and Wonderfull Article For Website On Maintenance Mode and Really Great Plugin Thanks a Lot , For Sharing me , Keep it upp Sweet , Work ,


    Leena SHAH

    1. Hey Leena,

      Its good to see that you are so happy after reading this post.

      You know I feel so go happy when I see my readers happy.

      You should keep in your mind that while editing your website you should use this plugin so that your readers don’t go away.

      Happy to hear from you.:)

      Enjoy your day.


    1. Hi Daniel,

      I am glad that you liked this post.:)

      You can use this plugin to show a different page set up for your website when you do any kind of changes in your website.

      Your visitors should know about the activities going on at your website.

      Thanks for taking time to say your words.

      Enjoy your weekend.:)


  7. Ravi,

    Thanks for the tips! I never use any kind of a maintenance mode plugin because I never really do extensive maintenance, but I can see why I might want to look into it. How often do you do this? What kind of maintenance are you doing when you use it?

    The technical side of things is always a bit tough for me. Thanks for being so smart! =)


    1. Hi Brittany,

      You know when you do any change in the design of your website then at that you need to have this plugin. If you remember few months ago Aha!Now was on maintenance mode because they have created a blog community. At that time they were using maintenance plugin to let their readers know about their website.

      If you don’t use any maintenance plugin then your visitors will see a broken website which is not good for a brand.

      Thanks for taking time to drop your valuable input.:)

      Have an amazing weekend.:)


  8. As always, a very informative post Ravi. Can count on you that I would learn something that I did not know how to do before. I am very appreciative of you taking the time to share things like this with your readers.

    True I have done maintenance work on my website but just opted to choose the wee hours of the morning when there is not much traffic. Just did not know there was a plugin that you can use specifically for that. My only question though, I see that it is a plugin. Can it be installed on a site? and can it be installed if you are not yet a self hosted site?

    Thanks for your great work and have a wonderful weekend.

    1. Hi Yvonne,

      You should use this kid of maintenance plugin so that your readers don’t get broken website when you do any changes with your website.

      Plugins are only for You can’t use any plugin at platform because it is automatically built with functionality of many popular plugins including Aksimet, Contact Forms and many else.

      Thats why you don’t see any option of plugins at your dashboard.

      Thanks for sharing your thoughts.

      Enjoy your weekend.:)


  9. Hi, Ravi,

    I’ve often wondered how to set my website on maintenance mode, but never thought of a plug-in to do this. I outsource some heavy technical lifting, and they use a test site, which is safe and gets the job done.

    I’m a little bit leery to add more plug-ins because I feel that I have too many already, but if it’s useful, and can serve me well, I will be open minded to possibly add something else.

    I am definitely bookmarking this post as it is a wonderful tutorial of how to do exactly what you promised in the headline. Love the screen shots. Excellent job!:-)

    I’m sharing with all my friends… have a beautiful weekend.

    – Carol

    1. Hi Carol,

      I agree with you that using many plugins is not a good idea but the time when you you have your website under maintenance need this plugin to provide some information to your readers about your website.

      Its good to use a test website but it puts more load to the server than just adding this simple plugin.

      You can maintain a beautiful page by adding the background of your choice. You can upload any image with the suggested resolution.

      Its always good to hear from you.

      Have a wonderful weekend.:)


  10. Ravi this is good info. I haven’t done this myself but have considered it. It’s always good so your readers won’t be alarmed.

    This is a great point of reference.

    1. Hi Lea,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.:)

      Its very important to take such steps to maintain your reputation. You should care about your readers.

      Putting your website on maintenance may lead to loss of many readers if you don’t do it right.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Hope to see you again.:)


  11. Hi Ravi,

    Once again a very astounding post. You always come with new ideas about using different WordPress plugins. This is really very effective for those guys who start their blogs in wordpress but can’t maintain it well because of limited knowledge regarding WordPress.

    In this article you have beautifully explained one of the top irritating issue of our blogging fellows ? As our mostly bloggers work in WordPress so when after some time their website go on maintenance they haven’t any idea that how they inform their readers. So, when their readers find the broken websites they irritate and left to visit again on that website in annoyance .

    The plugin which you have mentioned here is really useful in this scenario. Specially the way you have described its installation.

    Thanks for wonderful sharing.

    1. Hi Mairaj,

      WordPress is an amazing platform to use for many bloggers and there are many plugins to use effectively.

      When I saw Halreena’s blog on maintenance and she has maintained it in a proper manner then I came to an idea about telling my readers about any maintenance plugin.

      Its very important to tell your visitors when you have your website on maintenance so that they can come back to connect with you.

      There are many options including adding contact information and countdown to show the time.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have a rocking weekend.:)


  12. Hey Ravi,

    This was very helpful because I have a maintenance mode plugin that I’m not really satisfied with and been meaning to change. This one that you shared here seems like something I’d be interested in … I like the fact about the pre-determined image as well.

    I’m not one that’s planning to go into maintenance mode alot but I’ve been doing little changes to my site here and there and I know I’ll need to go into that mode for longer stretches of time. More often.

    “Next option is to provide “subscribe” option by using which people can subscribe to your blog if you have set up your e-mail service. Collect all e-mails and add them into your e-mail list later.” I love this part of it. The one I use right now doesn’t even have that.

    Kudos for writing this post and sharing something very important with all of us and this is something I really needed. So thank you.

    Have a great week.

    – Andrew

    1. Hi Andrew,

      Yeah! you can use this plugin when you decide to put your website at maintenance mode.

      Though bloggers don’t take their website to maintenance mode but still they should know how to do that perfectly?

      Options provided in this plugin are really awesome. You can collect all the e-mails when you have your website on maintenance mode. You can show the time up to which you will bring your website perfectly ready for your visitors.

      Thanks for taking time to share your thoughts.

      Have a rocking day.:)


  13. Hi Ravi,

    First of all I must admit saying that I was ignorant regarding this plugin for maintenance mode. I always run behind a developer for setting the sites for maintenance mode. Your post made it damn easy for keeping the site under maintenance mode. Appreciated!!!

    1. Hi Vino,

      By using this plugin you can set a page which will be shown to your visitors when they visit your website.

      If you don’t have it then people will see a broken website.

      Good to see you again.:)

      Enjoy your day.


  14. Hi, Ravi,

    One of my clients was asking about a good plug-in for this purpose and now I have a great review to send her!



    1. Hi Sue,

      This plugin is really great and provides you many options. You can set any pre-defined background or you can use image for the background just by uploading.

      For sure you can let your client know that she can use this maintenance plugin.

      Good to have you here.:)

      Enjoy your week ahead.:)


  15. Hi Ravi,

    I just never knew that I could set my blog to Maintenance Mode! You have done it again, by giving us a useful step by step way of applying this when we want to make changes.

    Every time I come to your blog I learn something new! I’m not so technical minded, but you sure do make things so easy to understand and I appreciate it.

    This one is a keeper…Just book marked it for later use!


    1. Hi Donna,

      You know there are many aspects of WordPress which we don’t know. There are many plugins in WordPress directory which have their amazing service.

      You can for sure show to your visitors about the maintenance of your website.

      As I have noticed yesterday at Kevin’s blog, his website was at maintenance mode.

      May be you will need this plugin in future.

      Its always good to have you around.:)

      Have a nice weekend.


  16. Hello Ravi,

    This is a super informative post! Actually, I’ve never used a maintenance plugin and I constantly wonder the one I should pick if the need arises. I’m certain you’ve dome that job for me already – all thanks to you!

    Additionally, the countdown appears so awesome…at least it gives your readers an idea when you’ll be back instead of just silence and a simple notification.

    Be sure to make the day great!



    1. Hi Akaahan,

      You never know when you come to in need to put your website on maintenance. At that time you would need this plugin so that you can let your readers know that you have our website on maintenance.

      Option to show the countdown is pretty cool with the use of which you can set the time up to which you can bring your website accessible to your readers.

      Thanks for taking time to visit.

      Have a wonderful week ahead.:)


  17. Hi Ravi,

    Excellent post. ?

    I have just Pocketed this one and save it for later reading. I have used Under Construction plugin when I build my client’s website but have never tried the Maintenance plugin yet.

    You know out of 1 year and 10 months of my businrss blogging, I have only changed my blog 3x. And I dint think I will be changing my design for a long time coz I like it a lot. But when I need it someday, this is a great idea. Thanks for sharing this.

    Have a wonderful week!


    1. Hi Angela,

      Its always good to to have you here.:)

      If you think to put your website on maintenance then you can use this plugin which have customized backgrounds. And even you can create the page your own.

      Your website has perfect design in its own way. You know its the matter of choice. Everyone has his/her own choice of design. As I need to improve the design of my blog to make it look better. Hopefully I will do it soon.

      Thanks for your remarkable input.

      Have an amazing week ahead.:)


  18. Hello Ravi

    This is my first visit and comment on your blog. Though I have heard from my friend and co-author cum admin Swapnadip about you, I never had the chance to come by. Better late than never I must say.

    From what I have read, this post of your’s is very much to the relevance of present hay wired scenario. Japanese had foreseen the benefits of regular maintenance of both the workplace and the work. Total Quality Management thus deals with this main issue. We often find blogs with good and unique contents are rather in a very disorganized state. The only reason that can substantiate this claim is nothing but dereliction of proper upkeeping of their websites.

    It has been found that Japanese has a 5-S ways of ‘Good House Keeping’

    Seiri(Sort); Seiton(straighten); Seito(Shine); Seiketsu(Standardize); Shitsuke(Sustain). And so we can see the quintessence of maintenance. It is of no surprise to know that Japan is a Techno Powerhouse.

    However, plugins have come a long way to lend a helping hand in our daily chores. Wp Maintenance really seems to be a hassle free plugin. I had no idea about this until I read your post. It will surely reduce the laborious process of manual maintenance. I will definitely give it a try.

    Thanks Ravi for this informative article which you have written. It has showed me a good tool to keep up the well being of my blog. See you soon. Happy Diwali in advance.

    P.S: I found your article on and have Kingged it.



    1. Hi Sanjay,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.

      Yeah! its good to be late than never.:)

      I agree with your point that there are many websites in this blogosphere which are providing great content but they don’t put their eye on the design of their blog. Somehow they don’t maintain their website in an appropriate manner.

      Content is not enough to build a great website. There are many other things required.

      Though I don’t have much idea about the scenario of Japan but still its good to know that they are trying to make to clear and manageable. Hopefully they will acquire the work in the remarkable approach.

      WP Maintenance plugin provide an interface when bloggers take their website to maintenance mode. If you have noticed day before yesterday Kevin’s blog named “beabetterblogger” was on maintenance and he managed it so correctly by making his visitors aware about the situation.

      Thanks for your extraordinary input.

      You too enjoy this Diwali.

      Have a peaceful week head.:)


  19. Hello Ravi,

    Your post is simply amazing. I didn’t heard about a plugin to put our WordPress blog in maintenance mode. Truly speaking, my technical knowledge is somewhat lacking and I need to be familiar with these kind of stuffs.

    It would be good if you write the same kind of post like how to tweak the wordpress blog? (if there are possible ways), newbie bloggers would get benefited with it.

    Sometimes, I feel jealous on your commenting and sharing activity. Yes, I suggest you to write a post over it like how you’re managing time to do an enriched blogging.

    Keep your good work ?

    1. Hi Nirmala,

      You know there is nothing secret of getting more comments. It just the reciprocity system. I used to comment and share articles of many bloggers and they do the same for mine. In my opinion blog commenting is an amazing thing to do here.

      The best thing is that I get positive results from my activities online. Handling a blog is a tough job and specially you do it alone. I faced so many difficulties in the starting days when I was not aware about any techie things and after that I used to focus on them.

      I will for sure write an article about the ways I handle my blog.

      Thanks a lot for asking.

      Have an awesome day.:)


  20. Hello Ravi,

    First of all I wanna say really you have awesome technical skill about SEO and WordPress. I never knew this ? . I will give it a try.

    Thanks for highlighting this plugin , and for the thorough review.


    Minakshi Srivastava

    1. Hi Minakshi,

      Thanks for appreciation.:)

      I must tell you that there is nothing hard to do these technical things. You just need to try them again and again so that you can learn more about them.

      We all should do experiment with our website. It will improve your skills.

      Thanks for taking time to say your words.

      Have a rocking day.:)


  21. Hi Ravi,

    Thanks for a great post!

    I agree that this is a great option when you have to make changes on your website and need to show something to your readers. I have not so far placed my site in maintenance mode since I did not make extensive changes. Usually, I make plugin and design changes on the fly and quickly and my readers do not have any downtime.

    But I certainly see the benefit of this plugin when you have to make theme changes or you have to make hosting changes! I will be looking into downloading this plugin and making some of the settings tweaks that you have suggested.

    This post is getting pocketed and bookmarked for future reference!

    Thanks again,


    1. Hi Harish,

      There are many plugins in the WordPress directory and its not possible to know about all of them.

      Using this plugin you can show many things when you have your website on maintenance.

      You can show the perfect time by using countdown option so that your visitors can come to know when they should come to your blog.

      Thanks for your wonderful input.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  22. Hi Ravi,

    what an interesting post!

    It’s good to know about “WP Maintenance Mode” plugin.

    It’s great to use it when you need to make some website design changes or if you need to make some critical fixes.

    Thanks for sharing,

    really useful!

    1. Hey Erik,

      With the use of this amazing plugin you can show the contact details at your website maintenance page so that your visitors can contact with you.

      You can choose whether you want to enable Google analytics during those days or not.

      Many options are there to use it effectively.

      Thanks for taking time to drop your input.

      Have a great week ahead.:)


  23. Hey Ravi i must say you wrote a amazing article and i must appreciate your work.

    Being very interesting this article is very informative and helpful for everyone using wordpress platform.

    Keep Sharing these amazing articles ?


    Mukul Chugh

    1. Hi Mukul,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.:)

      I am glad that you liked this article. You are right. For WordPress users using this plugin will help them a lot in maintaining their website while they put it on maintenance mode.

      Thanks for your input.

      Enjoy your day.:)


  24. Hi Ravi,

    Great stuff, I didn’t hear about this plugin before. After reading this article I’ve found one interesting plugin.

    Yes, I agree mostly bloggers want to add some more interesting things on home page or to test it. This plugin really works well for those blogger by setting up a site on maintenance mode.

    It’s my first visit on your blog. But, I’ve found amazing stuff here.

    1. Hey Mustafa,

      First of all I would like to welcome you at my blog.:)

      I am glad to know that you have found this plugin effective in its use. You will need to this plugin many times when you want to put your website on maintenance mode. If you want to do any changes with the design of your blog then you have to let your visitors know about it so that they can come back to your website. If you don’t use any maintenance plugin then your visitors will see a broken website which is not good.

      Thanks for dropping your wonderful input.

      Have an amazing weekend.:)


  25. Hi, Ravi Chahar

    Thanks for sharing the Article about How To Set Your Website On Maintenance Mode Using A Plugin? Very informative article, I liked it.

    Great points included in the post. Have a great week ahead.

    1. Hey Dinesh,

      Welcome to my blog.:)

      Its good to know that you have liked this article.

      But I must let you know that you should have your image with your comment so that for future bloggers don’t get hesitated about accepting your comment.

      I hope you will try to understand.

      Thanks for taking time to visit.

      Enjoy your day.:)


  26. Hi Ravi,

    Another informative post from you. I did face some problem while changing the themes and looks of my post. I somehow managed it. Never knew that there is a plugin to use when we make changes to our site.I wil try this plugin when its needed.

    I found this post on twitter.I retweeted it.

    Happy weekend ?


    1. Hey Umapathy,

      Its good to know that you like this post. You know with the use of this plugin you can create an unique page when you take your website to maintenance mode. At least your readers should know whats going on with your website so that they can come back.

      You can set countdown too.

      Thanks for taking time to share.

      Have a nice weekend.:)


  27. Very clearly written post – I wish I had read it before activating the plugin. I didn’t seem to be able to log back into my account. I just had this blank screen with the ‘under maintenance’ message and nothing else. Any change you could advise me? Thanks a million

    1. Hi Taposh,

      There shouldn’t be any problem in login in. When you activate the plugin then it doesn’t affect your admin area of the WordPress. You can add any image to show at your website. It will seem professional.

      Thanks for dropping your input.


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